Volume : 2, Issue : 8, AUG 2016


Indira Mehmedagi?, Šefik Hasuki?, Nedžad Kadri?


Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of specific prognostic factors on the survival time of patients who have been operated on in Tuzla Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Method: Retrospective - prospective five-year study that was performed in University Clinical Center in Tuzla, the Department of Surgery, included 100 patients treated from adenocarcinoma in the period 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2015. Data about type of gastric resection, lymphadenectomy and splenectomy, were obtained from operational note and formed a first group of prognostic factors. The second group included pathological characteristics of the tumor, including size, location, its histological type, Borrmann's classification, differentiation, characteristics of resection lines, number of metastatic lymph nodes, peritoneal dissemination, and distance metastases. Data obtained from the Institute of Pathology, University Clinical Center in Tuzla.
Results: Tumors located in the antrum (p<0.0446) were the most valuable for prognoses. Subtotal gastrectomy had the best statistical value (p< 0.036). In 79% cases where splenectomy was not performed, the survival time was longer making splenectomy a significant prognostic factor (p<0.0013).
Conclusion: Factors that influenced survival time, as a measure of relative risk, include tumor size, its location, the TNM stage, and the type of operation. A longer survival time 12 - 15 months was present where subtotal gastrectomy was performed without splenectomy on patients with a tumor in the antrum. With tumor < 5 cm, at stage T3 and T4, and where other types of operations were performed, the average survival time was 7 - 8 months.


adenocarcinoma of the stomach, prognostic factors, type of operation, survival time.

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